social Responsibility
Corporate social responsibility is a set of duties and responsibilities that a company must fulfill in order to maintain, care for and help the community in which it operates.
Corporate social responsibility transcends economic boundaries and includes responsibility for society, human beings and the environment. In fact, corporate social responsibility is work that is effective in adding to the social benefit and is beyond the resources of the organization and stakeholders. In the last decades of the twentieth century, with the expansion of the impact of organizations on the axes of sustainable development, there was more expectation for them to act responsibly. This issue has led to the emergence of a concept in the field of management. In fact, organizations are responsible to the community in which they live because of the CSR’s use of corporate social responsibility or its human, natural, and economic resources.
Espandar Total Solution Company is responsible for the effects of its actions in the field of culture of its community and adheres to the principles and values in the scope of its duties. In this regard, it has always considered social responsibilities under a better approach in business and has placed its macro policies in this framework. We hold ourselves accountable for the fundamental principles of accountability, ethical behavior, respect for customers, respect for rights and rules, and transparency at work.